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    Chord Master PKS WiN MAC

    FANTASTiC | 05 July 2018 | WiN: 125 MB | MAC: 275 MB

    The Chord Master PKS VSTi . This one-of-a-kind plugin gives you the power and the freedom to lay down realistic, chords and progressions with ease! Create your own chord progressions and patterns effortlessly! We’ve taken numorus chord sets/chord progressions and layed each chord across your keyboard for almost endless possibilities when it comes to creating new progressions and patterns. Each chord was actually played by a musician to give you a real, professional sound. Choose between, Classic piano, Fender rhodes keyboard or Symphatic Strings. Every sound is of high quality and played by a professional to give you the most authentic sounding chords.

    Eliminate the Guess Work
    All of the chord sets have been grouped together on your keyboard. So as you press keys up the keyboard, you get chords that naturally sound good together. There is not a lot of guessing. You know without a doubt, you’ll find great chords that sound good together. Easily mix and match chords to create unique emotions.

    Key Benefits:
    – Easily create your own chord progressions
    – Make beats/songs faster
    – Lay down professional sounding musical foundations
    – Easy One Note Chords (just press a key and hear a beautiful chord)
    – Free yourself creatively
    – High quality Piano, Keyboard and String Sounds
    – Over 100 chords to mix match and create great music with
    – ADSR controls
    – Pitch Control

    – Compatible with any DAW or Music software that loads VST, VSTi plugins.
    Formats included: Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, VST for Mac, AU for Mac

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/q8f8
    Chord Master PKS AU VSTi WiN MAC



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