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  • Nebula MiDi Collection-FANTASTiC
    April 6th, 2024 ⚡

    Nebula Midi Collection Fantastic Magesy

    Nebula MiDi Collection

    FANTASTiC | 08 October 2023 | 65 KB

    10 Unreleased MIDI Packs Included, 100% Royalty Free

    We recently asked the MaGeSY community what they would want us to drop next… And we had an overwhelming response for new MIDI. So we had our top producers focus on creating this library, packed with 150 New MIDI Compositions! NEBULA includes 10 New MIDI Packs, with each pack featuring a different style / genre to work with. Our goal was to provide everyone with a library of inspiration for building their own hit-ready melody loops. Whether you use them as is, customize them to your liking or study how we write our melody loops, there’s a ton you can do with them.

    Viewed 6904 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Royal Family MiDi Collection Complete Series WAV MiDi

    Royal Family MiDi Collection

    P2P | 14.02.2023 | 410.12 MB

    Become MIDI Royalty when you grab the ROYAL FAMILY MIDI BUNDLE! How is your MIDI Collection stacking up? It can always improve & I have the perfect MIDI Bundle for the job! The ROYAL FAMILY MIDI BUNDLE is hardly your average MIDI Bundle. I’ve jammed over 400 MIDI + WAV Files including Smooth Piano Chord Progressions, Knocking Brass Melodies & Tear-Jerking String Sections. I wanted you to be able create realistic instruments in a minimal amount of time.

    Viewed 3750 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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