Working with Video in Logic Pro X
SYNTHiC4TE | July 27 2015 | 308 MB
Logic Pro X has massively improved it’s already powerful video features, and Doug Zangar walks you through them. Learn how you can use Logic’s flexible video handling features to write and sync your music to pictures, as well as workflow techniques to make it all a breeze. Doug starts with a quick overview of the video codecs and settings. That leads into how to set up a Logic project for optimal use with video. With your project created, Doug spends two videos teaching you all the steps and best practices for importing video into Logic. With your movie imported, Doug dives into Basic Movie Operations, starting with Trimming and Moving your movie around the Global Movie Track, and Creating Standard Markers. After that, Doug goes into the more advanced options such as Creating Movie Scene Markers, Tempo Maps, and programming Accelerandos and Ritardandos in the Global Tempo Track.
Moving on, Doug explains how to Create Tempo Changes in the Tempo Operations Window, and lastly, guides you through Beat Mapping a Live Performance to a Video Track, understanding Drop Frame Videos, and Toggling the Musical Grid. Whether you’ve just started working with video in Logic Pro X or you’re a seasoned scorer looking for more ways to improve your workflow, “Working with Video in Logic Pro X” has exactly what you need!
Working with Video in Logic Pro X TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
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