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    Loud Beats For SD2 and EZ Drummer

    P2P | Date 2014.23.04 | Size: 135 KB

    This MIDI Pak is not only “Loud, Large and Luxurious” like the Black Velvet ADpak, it’s sophisticated, hard-hitting and detailed – cut-through beats and songs played hard in different grooves and variations. Loud Beats & Songs covers many different styles from alternative rock, grunge, post-grunge to modern rock and experimental pop. Songs divided in parts (e.g. intro, verses, choruses, bridges) and beats with different variations, tempos and grooves (e.g. hihat, ride, crash, tom, fills) in 4/4 and 6/8. Mix and match beats, fills and grooves – arrange a complete song in minutes! This MIDI Pak is made as a compliment to the Black Velvet ADpak and is included in the Black Velvet Bundle. However it’s also a perfect compliment to Addictive Drums and suitable for use with any
    of the ADpaks.

    All beats and songs are played by Ludvig Kennberg and Fredrik Okazaki, two eminent Swedish drummers!

    This MIDI Pak has been converted for use with SD2 or EZ Drummer

    People seemed to find these useful so thought I would post up a few more.

    INFO: http://redi.se/ecf
    Loud Beats For SD2 and EZ Drummer



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