Wahnsyn Mini-Drums VSTi WiN
TEAM NoGRP | 07-04-2007 | 6.90 MB
.:Special Edition Drumsampler:.
Mini-Drums concerns it 10 Slot Wave Drumsample Player. Each individual Slot (instrument) has extensive editing possibilities, so you have basic sounds completely after your personal Taste to change know. Per Slot 5 instruments are embodied, in order firmly snap accessed differently Drumsets to ensure. In addition the Slots can also with strangers Wave Samples become, in order to arrange your individual Drumsets. These can do you then as FXP (Cubase Preset) store, in order to have handy they at any time. In order to point to you out all functions of this Plugin, we divide the instrument into its individual parts.
Exclusively designed by Wahnsyn for Plugindex Premium Users!
Wahnsyn Mini-Drums v1.0 VSTi x86 WiN-NoGRP
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