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  • Wahnsyn Authentic Strings v1.0 VSTi x86 WiN-peace-out

    Wahnsyn Authentic Strings VSTi WiN

    TEAM peace-out | 03.31.2009 | 74.58 MB

    With the new strings-Plug-in Authentic-Strings we have created an affordable string orchestra, giving even the untrained orchestra -leader excellent results. Besides, quality sound, our top priority was easy operation when developing this instrument. All instruments are sampled in multi- velocity-levels, so the full dynamic amplitude of an orchestra can produced. There are 8 different instruments available that can be played individually or as a complete orchestra. A violin, viola, cello and a double bass are integrated as solo instruments. In addition, 4 combinations are available: Combi, pizzicato, staccato and the ensemble modes. At the same time, all 4 solo instruments are spread sensibly across the complete claviature.

    Multi-functions that can be added to the Mod-Wheel or the Foot-Controller, which create a live concert feeling.

    Wahnsyn Authentic Strings v1.0 VSTi x86 WiN-peace-out
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