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    SYNCLAVIER V v2.4.1.2810 WiN

    TEAM V.R | 24.05.2019 | 282.25 MB


    The Synclavier V faithfully recreates the elite digital synthesizer/workstation that started it all, powering some of the biggest hits and film soundtracks of the early ‘80s with its unique rich, edgy sounds. If you were to ask anyone back in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s to name the Holy Grail of synthesizers, the most revered of them all was New England Digital’s Synclavier. Its unique combination of additive synthesis and frequency modulation delivered a creative edge to the privileged few keyboardists, producers, film composers and sound designers who could afford systems that ranged from $13k to $400k. Some of those rock-solid systems are still in use today. Arturia has recreated this highly revered hit maker in partnership with original programmer Cameron Jones, delivering the immense rich textures and creative palette of this vintage instrument, while dramatically improving it to let you blaze new musical trails today with sounds never heard before.


    Whats New:
    – Playlist edition improvements
    – Playlist preset naming improvements
    – Favorite presets management improvements
    – Preset naming improvements
    – Preset search improvements

    Bug fixes:
    – Playlists now visible after recalling a project
    – No more crash when browsing presets
    – No more crashes when naming preset
    – Favorite presets now properly sorted when shuffle is enabled
    – Links to FAQ now available
    – Playlists are now visible after uninstalling/reinstalling an instrument


    Video preview

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/ERyz
    SYNCLAViER V v2.4.1.2810 WiN CE-V.R


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