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    Sylenth1 463 Soundbanks and 21 Skins

    Sylenth1 | 463 Soundbanks | 21 Skins | 75.02 MB

    This are the latest installers I could find for Sylenth 1 (x86 is v2.2.1.1, x64 is v2.2.0.2).
    There are 20 x86 skins and 1 x64 skin. The two Mopho skins have been manually updated to v2.2.1.1 by yours truly (I also fixed the up/down arrow graphical error the originals had) via resedit method. There are also 463 soundbanks–all in .fxb format (also manually compiled by yours truly). To my knowledge there are no dupes in there, but I may have missed one or two.

    Thanks to all the teams (R2R, AiR, Chaos, Union, etc.) and people that make the world a better place for producers everywhere! Much love!
    Sylenth1 463 Soundbanks and 21 Skins


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