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✅ Pianet-T v1.0.1 WiN-R2R

June 21st, 2024 ⚡
  • Pianet-T v1.0.1 WiN-R2R-MaGeSY

    Pianet-T v1.0.1 WiN

    Team R2R | 21 June 2024 | 15.6 MB

    x64: AAX, VST3i, VST2i, CLAP | x86: VST2

    Add some retro charm to your music with the iconic sound of this ’70s electro-mechanical piano called the Pianet T. The reeds in the Pianet T aren’t struck, but instead are engaged by NASA-patented pink plastic suction pads that suck on the reeds until they snap loose and begin to vibrate. Small coils, similar to guitar pickups, then convert the vibrations into electrical sound. The intricate sounds produced by these coils comprise numerous sine waves. In the case of the Pianet T model, it occasionally necessitates the computation of over 100 sine waves to craft its distinct sound profile. To ensure optimal performance without overtaxing the CPU, we’ve integrated an enhanced iteration of the formula pioneered by the seventh-century Indian mathematician Bhāskara Ⅰ. This fusion of ancient methodologies with cutting-edge twentieth-century NASA techniques is seamlessly integrated into our plugin, resulting in a harmonious marriage of tradition and innovation.

    Version 1.0.1 (June 12, 2024)
    – Fixed crash with VST3 in Blue Cat’s PatchWork.
    – Fixed VST3 failing examination in Digital Performer 11.
    – Fixed VST3 speaker arrangement.
    – Fixed CLAP resize issue with scaled GUI in REAPER on Windows.
    – Fixed GUI color space on macOS Sonoma.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/yW0D1
    Pianet-T v1.0.1 WiN-R2R
    ♪ Download ♪


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