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    Music Handyman Toolbox WiN

    P2P | 29.12.2019 | 17 MB

    …::: STANDALONE, x64, x86, VSTi :::…


    A Set of tools to use in any Project!

    – Determine the time, frequency and samples in a measure at a given sample rate
    – Quickly view the notes of a musical scale
    – Get the frequency of a note in different tunings
    – Generate tones
    – View reference charts for MIDI CC numbers, frequency spectrum, loudness and compression.
    – Store information about a musical project such as BPM, musical scale, tuning and additional user notes such as a project’s to-do list, information for remixers, credits, reminders or anything else.
    – The project information includes the option to export to a text file, to include easily accessible information within a project’s folder.

    Useful tool for everyone working in Music & Audio:
    Solo Producer or Musicians: Takes notes of what you are working and whats left todo! All that is left is to mix the bass and guitar better? Write it down in our notepad so you wont forget anything! Specially helpful for older projects you haven’t opened in months or even years – a quick set of notes will set you on track so much quicker

    Solo Producer or Musicians Starting a new project: Starting a new track? Quickly check the musical scale and note you want to use, determine bpm and other relevant information that you can save for later

    Useful for Bands: Quickly Pass Notes between your band members – you can quickly export and save these notes as .txt files and share with your members!

    Audio Designers: Our Music Calculator, Note to Frequency and relevant math functions can be very helpful if you are working on sound-design! and like stated above you should also use notes to write information about a specific project

    These are just some of the many uses of our Toolbox. Available in VST, VSTi format & Standalone – Windows

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/czj3
    Music Handyman Toolbox WiN RETAiL HAPPY NEW YEAR


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