  • K-Whooms v0.9.10 VSTi2 VST3 x64 WiN REPACK-RET

    K-Whooms v0.9.10 x64 WiN

    Team RET | 10 April 2020 | 3.4 MB | MaGeSY®

    ..:: VSTi2, VST3, x64 ::..

    K-Whooms is a virtual software synthesizer which can be used in any VST2 or VST3 host application on Windows 64-bit operating system (minimum: Win 7). It comes with a clear feature set in order to keep complexity low.

    Key features:
    – 2 multi oscillators with 9 phases which can be dialed in steplessly.
    – 8 Modulation slots with target update which can be synced to the host tempo.
    – 4 Steinberg note expression parameters volume, pan, pitch and custom.
    – 12 filter types including ladder type.
    – Time and rate parameters can be synced to the host tempo.
    – GUI scalable from 100% to 150% up to 200%.
    – Simple distortion, stereo delay and stepgate effects.

    System Requirements:
    – Windows 7 or newer (64bit).
    – Multi-core CPU with SSE2 support.
    – 1GB RAM, 30MB free disc space.
    – VST2(Windows only!!!)/VST3 compatible host application (64bit).

    SoundCloud Preview

    K-Whooms v0.9.10 VSTi2 VST3 x64 WiN REPACK-RET


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