Gnome v1.0 VSTi WiN
Team peace-out | 04.05.2009 | 6.18 MB
EVM Gnome is a 2 wave oscillators arpeggiator synthesizer. Gnome by EVM Synths is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin for Windows. It functions as a VSTI Plugin
Feature summary:
- 2 Oscillators with 71 waveforms in total.
- 2 State Variable filters.
- 5 Envelope generators.
- 4 LFOs.
- 2 Digital delays.
- 1 Stereo reverb simulator.
- BPM gated arpeggiator.
- XY Mouse Pad controller.
- A complex modulation matrix.
2 Oscillators with multiple waveforms:
- Osc 1 variable grade factor synchronized to Osc 1 or Osc 2.
- Osc 2 Additional subwaves.
- Osc sync mode.
- Variable glide.
- Transpose +/- 2 octaves.
- Tune +/- 1 semitone.
- Monophonic / Polyphonic or Multiphonic (unison) modes with Multi Detune.
2 State Variable Filters:
- Individual Level, Frequency, Resonance (Q), State Ratio and Stereo Pan controls.
5 Envelope Generators:
- 1 Dedicated Amplifier Envelope Generator.
- 4 Variable Destination Envelope Generators with 10 Destinations each.
- Normal or inverted operation.
4 LFOs:
- 2 Custom waveform LFOs (sine, saw, ramp, 100% pulse, 50% pulse, 25% pulse, fast random, slow random).
- 2 Standard waveform LFOs (sine, saw, ramp, triangle, pulse, white noise, pink noise).
LCD Modulation Matrix:
- 8 Internal Modulation choices with 12 Sources + 4 External MIDI controllers
(LFO1, LFO2, LFO3, LFO4, All LFOs, Mouse Pad X, Mouse Pad Y, Pitch Bender, MIDI CTRL1, MIDI CTRL2, MIDI CTRL3, MIDI CTRL4). - Each MIDI CONTROLLER has 128 sources giving a total of 1120 combinations.
- 32 Modulation Destinations.
2D Vector Mouse Pad:
- Mouse Pad is full assignable to the Modulation Matrix for both input and output.
Stereo Effects:
- 2 BPM synced delays for echo, chorus and flanging modes.
- Stereo Reverb model.
- EVM Freeform arpeggiator with 4 modes. (up, down, random1, random2).
- Integrated note timing gate to manipulate arpeggiator BPM timings.
- Arp BPM time division.
EVM Synths Gnome v1.0 VSTi WiN-peace-out
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