• Drumcore 2.0 HYBRiD DVDR-AiRiSO

    Drumcore 2.0 HYBRiD DVDR

    TEAM AiR | 10/2006 | D1: 3.22 GB | D2: 2.84 GB

    DrumCore playback to the tempo of any ReWire host. DrumCore 2 syncs to the tempo of any ReWire host application with up to three decimal places of accuracy 121.058 bpm. Get real drummer feel at multiple bpms plus the “in-between” tempos.

    MORE content plus MORE genres inspiration is just a click away We’ve expanded the artists and GrooveSets you get with DrumCore. Country content is included from Lonnie Wilson (two-time winner of the ACM “Country Drummer of the Year” award. Odd meters (5/4, 7/8, 9/8) are represented by expanded Alan White (Yes) content, and there’s smokin, new double-kick pop/rock/progressive content from Terry Bozzio (Missing Persons, Jeff Beck, Frank Zappa. And of course this means more MIDI drumkits too.

    MIDI Drum Module
    DrumCore 2’s MIDI drum module features separate
    mono or stereo outputs for each drum pad (snare, kick, etc.). Each sound can be routed to the inputs of your ReWire host’s mixer to allow mixing and plug-in processing of these sounds within your host ACID, Pro Tools, Live, Logic, Sonar, Cubase, etc. DrumCore comes loaded with each drummer’s great-sounding drumkits that often feature one-of-a-kind, custom-built drums and cymbals.


    • 1) Unrar and mount or burn.
    • 2) Install.
    • 3) Use the kgen.
    • 4) Enjoy this fine Team AiRISO release !!!


    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/D7Av
    Drumcore 2.0 HYBRiD DVDR-AiRiSO


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