ConcreteFX Vectrik v1.1 VSTi WiN
Team ASSiGN | 28 MAY 2011 | 45.51 MB
Vectrik is our PC VSTi vector sample synth , which can create a variety of sounds , from rhythmical sequences to rich dynamics pads to thick leads and basses , plus lots other type of sounds as well.
Features of Vectrik
Two vector path using up to 32 points in each. These allows you to set up vector paths which smoothly (or not smoothly) shift between 4 samples so creating dynamic changing sounds which have looping and non-loop parts. You can also automate the vector position using midi controls to create real-time alteration of sounds.Vectrik 4 uses 4 samples to create sound , hundreds of samples are provided with Vectrik and you can use your own samples as well . Each sample has two loop pointing for loop modulation and delay & retrigger settings which allows you to set up sequences of samples. Each sample has it’s own tuning and can be passed into the two different filters
Two multi-mode filters , with 12/24 db low/high/band pass/notch filters plus ring modulation , comb filter and formant filter for vocal sounds
8 ADSFR envelopes with variable curvature and 8 LFOs. These can control all the major parameters, using a simple to use modulation matrix . Plus full midi control of all the controls using midi learning
- Step Sequencer with up to 64 steps which also can be used in the modulation matrix to complex trance-gate sounds and sequences
- Keysplit mapping , so different keys can produce different mixes of the vector paths
- Built in over-sampling and unison modes to create thicker and more crisp sounds.
- Chorus , Phaser, Reverb, Stereo delay , EQ & Stereo Widener effects
ConcreteFX Vectrik v1.1 VSTi WiN-ASSiGN
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