Austrian Grand Piano v1.7
P2P | 16.02.2020 | WiN: 4.07 GB | MAC: 6.09 GB
..:: AAX, AU, VSTi, 32Bit, 64Bit ::..
Austrian Grand piano was sampled from a 100 year old Bruder Mikula Wien Austrian grand through a pair of AEA R84 ribbon microphones into an AEA TRP ribbon microphone preamp. Prior to recording, the piano’s hammer felts were sanded down to warm them up a bit. The piano was sampled in stereo under the lid, because that’s where the tone sounded best, at a sample rate of 44.1 kHz. It took many weeks to sample the piano entirely, as it was in such a state that most of the tuning pegs could no longer hold a pitch for any length of time. The piano was sampled labriously, with the softest to loudest dynamics being played, resulting in a library that can boast 10 velocity layers and 2 note round-robin.
Sampling originally began by recording through an additional pair of Oktava Mk-012’s to capture room ambience, but early on it was determined that the piano’s tone was best captured by the ribbon mics, and that potentially increasing the size of the sample library by several gigs to include room ambience would not significantly improve the sound.
– 16-Bit Audio Samples
– 2X Round-Robin, 10 Velocity Layers
– Reverb and Frequency Cuts
– 5GB of Sample Data
– Supports 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96 kHzRelease v1.7 1/4/2020
Improvements since last version:
*Mac Au/VST versions now conform to OS X Catalina code signing and notarization requirements.
*Mac versions are now installed via package installers.
*Resources for Mac versions and a config file are now placed outside of the amhonky.vst and amhonky component bundles. This is because Apple wants things code-signed now: verifying resources in a bundle would take too long and the config can’t be inside because it would invalidate the code signature. If you don’t like it, complain to Apple!
*Maintaining separate legacy (32-bit) Mac versions for those who need them (OS X 10.9-10.14)
Austrian Grand Piano v1.7 AAX AU VSTi WiN MAC Post: