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  • Skew v1.1.0 AAX VST3 x64 WiN-TCD

    Skew v1.1.0 WiN

    TeamCubeadooby | 08 December 2022 | 4.62 MB

    Skew is a non-linear audio reverser. Perfectly synchronized to the host transport, it is constantly recording the incoming audio into a buffer – and playing it back in reversed chunks. The big trick in this algorithm is that it’s able to warp its playback speed via a selection of non-linear curves, thus bending the pitch in various ways. With each parameter having an extremely wide range of adjustment, Skew can be used to create multiple rhythmically-precise effects such as reversing, tape rewind, pitch slides, detune, glitching, and scratching. Thanks to its fine calibration, responsiveness, and DJ-style crossfade control, Skew can easily be automated or manipulated in real-time to add exciting musical complexity and create cool build-ups, breaks, and transitions.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/Qs7LF
    Skew v1.1.0 AAX VST3 x64 WiN-TCD
    ♪ Download ♪


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