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  • M-Blender v1.0.2 AAX VST3 x64 WiN-BUBBiX-MaGeSY

    M-Blender v1.0.2 WiN

    BUBBiX | 23 December 2024 | 7.6MB

    M-Blender creates space in a mix by cleaning up clashing frequencies between tracks. It uses true spectral processing to dynamically carve space for the side-chain signal and prevent frequency masking. Now, achieving exceptionally clear mixes demands minimal effort on your part. No more clutter or frequency masking issues in your mixes. It’s common to have tracks that share similar frequency ranges in a mix, which can lead to frequency masking issues. The M-Blender allows you to effectively resolve this problem without sacrificing any dimension in your sound staging, thanks to its accurate spectral processing algorithm.

    Changelog v.1.0.2:
    – Improved precision of the spectral processing engine.
    – License management system significantly improved
    – Stability and compatibility improvements.

    Get more depth and more pleasing dynamics showing in your mix with minimal efforts.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/y698t
    M-Blender v1.0.2 AAX VST3 x64 WiN-BUBBiX
    ♪ Download ♪


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