Impress v3.4.1 MAC
MORiA | 17 January 2025 | 13.47 MB
..: AU, VST2, VST3, 64Bit :..
Wideband Stereo Compressor
Impress is a wideband stereo compressor including side-chaining, various prefilter options and state-of-the-art over sampling. The goal of the design was to cover a broad range of compression applications in today’s mixing and mastering situations with strong focus on low aliasing. So, Impress could be used to shape subtle a snare sound, glue different tracks on instrument bus and even do complex tasks like deessing or voice over’s.
- zero latency click-free 64-bit internal processing
- low aliasing compressor design
- “real” over-sampling, up to 8x
- stereo/left/right/mid/side processing
- 5 compressor modes: classic, source/target, vari, advanced and feedback
- non-linear and linear attack/release time shapes
- gain reduction dependent saturation
- 4 level detection modes: peak, RMS, EBU ML and EBU SL
- external side-chain
- detector pre-filter
- look ahead
- low aliasing soft knee
- gain reduction limit
- dry/wet
- peak/RMS/EBU R128 measurement
- detector/delta listen mode
- target loudness matching based on EBU R128
- look-ahead limiter (Peak or True Peak)
- clipper
- perceptual A/B loudness matching (ABLM)
- preset management
- parameter A/B
- large and accurate live meters
- peak control view
- gain transfer view
- loudness distribution view
- detector spectrum view
- free GUI size and scale
Changelog for Impress3:
– UPDATE: update the comp millisecond release time while changing the tempo synced release timeINFO/DEMO/BUY:
Impress v3.4.1 U2B macOS-MORiA
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