BSA Drum Bus v1.0.0 WiN
Team R2R | 22 September 2024 | 28.2 MB
The all-in-one tool for massive drums
More Punch, Glue, Power and Clarity for your drums – all in one plugin. Top mixers know the secret to a competitive drum mix lies in the perfect blend of bus compression, parallel processing, saturation, and EQ. We’ve distilled decades of pro-level techniques into one ultra-simple plugin that delivers the punch, energy, and edge your drums need to stand out.
Simplified Drum Compression
– At the heart of BSA Drum Bus lies simplicity and power, designed to energize & glue your drums with just a few controls. We’ve already dialled in the time-tested compression settings for modern drums, so you can add punch, warmth and tightness in seconds without worrying about ratios or milliseconds.Two Precise Modes
– Standard mode offers a clean, transparent compression that tightens your drum mix and creates cohesion and glue across your drum bus.
– Slammed mode delivers aggressive, in-your-face compression to achieve that punchy, larger-than-life drum sound you’ve heard on your favorite records. Perfect for your parallel drum bus.Auto Gain
– Auto Gain built in to each control for easy
– A/B’ing and no wasted time.Color Your Drums
– Fine-tune and shape your drum tone with the TONE and SALT controls.
– Use the Tone knob to go brighter and more present, or smoother and warmer.
– The Salt control adds flavor to your drums, subtly enhancing key frequencies that add power, clarity, and punch to any drum bus.Saturation Tailored for Bigger Drums
– The heat control adds tasteful saturation, enriching your drums with fitting harmonic content depending on which mode you’re in.
– Heat in STANDARD mode adds warmth and fullness. In SLAMMED mode, it adds grit and edge.INFO/DEMO/BUY:
BSA Drum Bus v1.0.0 WiN-R2R
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