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  • Overture Music Visualization WiN-TiNYiSO

    Music Visualization WiN

    Team TiNYiSO | 05 Mar 2021 | 5.98GB

    Overture Music Visualization is a solo-dev project created in Unreal Engine and released for the Windows platform. It captures audio in realtime from any source, including Youtube, Spotify, Pandora, VLC and others, and features 50+ customization options across several categories. The goal of the Overture project is to create a versatile, general purpose music visualization utility with robust configuration options to make it suitable for personal use, video creation, or streaming.

    Viewed 2193 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • GON v1.0.0 WiN x86 x64 INTERNAL-R2R
    June 10th, 2021 ⚡

    GON v1.0.0 WiN x86 x64 INTERNAL-R2R

    GON v1.0.0 WiN

    Team R2R | September 22 2020 | 8 MB


    A free, universal visualization plug-in for stereo bus masters.

    Introduction: Available for all major plug-in formats, including VST 2, VST 3 and AAX for macOS and Windows plus Audio Units for macOS, GŌN (rhymes with “lone”) is a free software goniometer that authentically replicates an analog oscilloscope experience while keeping complexity at bay. This “phase scope” plug–in quickly conveys global trends and troubles, with a visual out–of–phase warning built in. Plus, an optional autogain feature insures that you’ll see an understandable display with a very wide range of input amplitudes.

    Viewed 5256 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • MAATgo v1.0.2 WiN-R2R
    May 24th, 2021 ⚡

    MAATgo v1.0.2 WiN-R2R

    MAATgo v1.0.2 WiN

    Team R2R | 14 Mar 2021 | 8.5MB


    A universal monitor controller and visualization plug-in for computer audiophiles. If music is your profession, your passion or both, MAATgo is for you. MAATgo is explicitly built for everyone who listens to HRA (High Resolution Audio) files and streams on their computer. In the Golden Age of consumer hi–fi, some preamplifiers had not only a “balance” knob, but stereo/mono blend controls and even an oscilloscope to instantaneously display amplitude, frequency and the phase relationship between left and right channels. Marantz, Panasonic, Pioneer and SAE sometimes included an oscilloscope in their receivers, while the Apt Corporation’s legendary and groundbreaking Holman Preamplifier had a range of channel re–routing switches and a continuous stereo/mono blend control. This was not “feature creep,” needless features just to fill out a list. The Apt’s re–patching and intermix controls served a very useful purpose.

    Viewed 4518 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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