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  • AKAi MPC Renaissance Software TUTORiAL
    September 17th, 2021 ⚡

    AKAi MPC Renaissance Software Instructional DVD Video SET 1.7-1.9 TUTORiAL

    AKAi MPC Renaissance Software Instructional DVD

    DRUMKiDS | April 9th 2017 | 2.16 GB

    Video SET 1.7-1.9 TUTORiAL

    If you own or are buying a Akai MPC RENAISSANCE MPC STUDIO OR MPC ELEMENT you are in the right place. If you really want to get up under the hood of the MPC software this 4 hour DVD is for you.

    Viewed 5336 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Pigments 3 The Video Manual TUTORiAL
    September 13th, 2021 ⚡

    Pigments 3 The Video Manual TUTORiAL

    Pigments 3 The Video Manual

    FANTASTiC | 27 June 2021 | 524 MB

    Pigments 3, the “polychrome” synth from Arturia, is now more versatile than ever! Discover the infinite sonic palette offered by this amazing instrument in this in-depth video manual by synthesis expert! Subtractive synthesis, Wavetable, Additive, FM, Sampling, Granular … Arturia’s Pigments 3 can do it all! Pigments 3 is a real sonic powerhouse, and clearly one of the most versatile software instruments out there. Learn this synth inside out in this 2 hour 22 minutes course with sound designer Rishabh Rajan. The course starts with an overview of Pigments 3, where you are introduced to the user interface and main features of the instrument. Rishabh then covers all the different engines in detail: Analog, Wavetable, Sample, Granular, Harmonic and Utility. Next, you discover the very flexible filter section, and the powerful modulation options (including the unique Function and Random Generators). You also learn about the arp and sequencer, the effect section, and a lot more. Rishabh ends the course with a complex sound design example of its own, demonstrating the techniques you learned in the course.

    Viewed 1955 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Organic Ambience and Textures WAV
    September 11th, 2021 ⚡

    Organic Ambience and Textures WAV

    Organic Ambience & Textures

    FANTASTiC | 21 July 2017 | 2.9 GB

    Fresh, vivid and incredibly detailed organic soundscapes galore in ShamanStems’ latest offering, perfect for livening up your music, creating FX transitions, sound design, game audio, adds, film and video. With over 2 hours of pristine quality recordings and totaling an impressive 4 GB + in size, the team has set to create an all-encompassing source of natural ambiences, scouting forests, rivers, lakes, swamps, mountains, plains, parks, cities and villages to find and capture an extremely diverse organic sonic palette. The ambience files go as high as 3 minutes long, ensuring plenty of variance and slicing material for your samplers. Some transient heavy bits have been excerpted from these ambience and placed in the ‘Single Hits’ folders for fast and easy access.

    Viewed 2297 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • image

    Hip Hop Video on YouTube TUTORiAL

    P2P | 17 December 2019 | 1.07 GB

    This course if designed to help aspiring rappers, hip hop artist, or any genre of music artist set up a video launch to make them more discoverable and get the best results. Many rappers are making great music, and great videos, but no one is showing up to watch. This was first recorded as a private and secret training for some of my Instagram followers/students. It got such a great response that now I’m making it available to everyone.

    Viewed 1430 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Ultimate Hollywood SFX WAV
    June 18th, 2021 ⚡

    Ultimate Hollywood SFX WAV

    Ultimate Hollywood SFX

    P2P | 04 August 2020 | 4.6 GB

    Ultimate Hollywood Sound Effects Collection packed with HUGE COLLECTION of the most often used sound effects in the industry. Perfect for video, film, recordings, games, and anywhere you need high fidelity MP3 and WAV files. This takes your production to the next level of 3D realism and instant believability. Saves you hours of time searching for the right sound effect for any situation. Quickly search this collection for absolutely everything from home, business, industry, public spaces, human sounds, animals, and everything else!

    Viewed 3998 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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