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    UA In Action RTs Guitar FX Workshop TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | June 22 2015 | 155 MB

    What happens when you use Universal Audio plugins on the guitar? You get killer crunch, authentic amps and beautiful crystal clear, shimmering acoustics. Watch this course and see it all in action! The guitar is the premiere instrument in most, pop, rock, indie and singer/songwriter tracks. Universal Audio plugins, when you know how to use them, can make guitar tracks really stand out from the crowd. In this course, by Grammy nominated guitarist/producer Rich Tozzoli, you see UA plugins in action as he applies them to enhance and elevate the sound of his Pro Tools guitar tracks. Think of this course as a combination guitar production and Universal Audio exploration! Watch it and learn some cool techniques to make your guitar tracks really shine!

    Viewed 3475 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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    UA In Action Bass and Drums TUTORiAL

    SYNTHiC4TE | May 18 2015 | 178 MB

    Universal Audio’s UAD V8.0 plugins are here and so is expert mixer to show us how he uses them “In Action”! Learn the secrets of how to make your rhythm tracks really rock, in this example-filled course. The UAD V8.0 plugins are the platinum standard for producers, recordists and pro audio mixers the world over. In this course, pro surround mixer and music producer, shows you how he uses EQs, compressors, amp simulators and other plugins to make his drums and bass tracks sound their best. Nothing is better than watching (and hearing) a mixer like Rich explain how he uses his golden ears in combination with UA’s V8 plugins to get that perfect balance between the drums and the bass. Being an audio engineer requires a unique combination of intuition, experience and knowledge as tracks are massaged in the studio. That’s why, in this course, you’re like Rich’s assistant engineer –sitting next to him behind the virtual console– as he shares his sonic thought processes and UA expertise.

    Viewed 1758 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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