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  • MJUC Variable-Tube Compressor v1.7.2 WiN MAC

    MJUC v1.7.2 WiN MAC RETAiL

    P2P | 30 May 2022 | 53 MB

    Variable-Tube Compressor

    MJUC is the most effortful plugin to date. It took almost two years of extensive, dare I say “excessive”, research and development. To create MJUC I’ve researched and analyzed each and every variable-mu* implementation I could get my hands on to get the best of tube compression into a single processor. In order to do the diversity of this compression topology justice, three different models have been built. These are kind of a time travel though the history of tube compression to capture the essence of each generation. Each model has its own dedicated signal path and dedicated control set. If desired you can tweak the overall tone and saturation of each model with the unique TIMBRE and the DRIVE control. DRIVE controls the load of the input and output transformers as the saturation of the tube gain stages, if applicable. The TIMBRE extends MJUC’s use as a tone shaping device.

    Viewed 10166 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Tube-Tech CL 1B v2.5.9 WiN-R2R
    July 14th, 2021 ⚡

    Tube-Tech CL 1B v2.5.9 WiN-R2R

    Tube-Tech CL 1B v2.5.9 WiN

    Team R2R | 09 Jan 2021 | 15.0 MB


    The Tube-Tech CL 1B is a modern classic for a very good reason. As a vocal compressor in particular, its mixture of characteristic warm slow opto gain reduction and surprisingly versatile can’t-sound-bad operation have made it a staple across a wider variety of genres than perhaps any other optical compressor. Classic rock, cutting-edge pop, rap and hip hop, EDM… you name it.

    Viewed 30141 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Tube-Tech PE 1C v1.0.1 VST RTAS WiN-AiR

    Tube-Tech PE 1C WiN

    TEAM AiR | 10/2010 | 13.21 MB

    The Tube-Tech PE 1C is a passive, tube-based equalizer suitable for many different sources ranging from bass drums and guitars to vocals. The equalizer features a Low Frequency section made up of two low shelf filters which can be combined to attenuate and boost at the same time. These filters are actually bit apart in frequency even if they are controlled by the same frequency selector. The High Frequency section has a peak and shelving filter working in parallel, which provides a smooth top end while not getting too bright.The ability to combine the different filters and sections is what gives the PE 1C its characteristic sound and is something which plays a crucial part in explaining the classic Pultec sound.

    Viewed 4028 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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