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  • Steinberg NUENDO v6.0.6 Surround Panner VST v2.6.2.46 x86 x64-CHAOS

    Surround Panner VST x86 x64 WiN

    TEAM CHAOS | Oct 26 2013 | 1 MB

    As with other Cubase plug-ins, the parameters of the Surround Panner window can be automated. Activating the Write button for a particular channel means that any changes made within the Surround panner are recorded and will be reproduced during playback if the channel Read button is activated. This includes movements of the panning ball, Centre Level slider or LFE slider. However, if you’re inclined to move sounds around within the surround field, editing the resulting automation data can require some patience.

    Viewed 17397 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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