rs-met Straightliner v10.03 VSTi WiN
Team ASSiGN | 25 MARCH 2010 | 5.9 MB
Straightliner is a straight-lined and modern approach to subtractive synthesis. Instead of trying to faithfully emulate old analog synthesizers with all their physically imposed limitations, Straightliner takes full advantage of the extended possibilities that software based synthesis offers: the oscillators support loading of arbitrary (single cycle) audio files. Flexible modulation generators, which allow to define an arbitrary number of breakpoints, are available for pitch, filter-frequency and amplitude. The filter has a lot of different modes, among them the usual suspects like lowpass, highpass, bandpass and a sophisticated Moog-filter model. The whole signal path is laid out in stereo which allows for big and enveloping sounds even without any effects. The user interface of the synth focuses on visual editors instead of the commonly seen hardware oriented interfaces.
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