Audio – September 2016
German | 132 pages | True PDF | 24,7 MB
Tests, Ratgeber und News zu den Bereichen HiFi, Surround, High End und Musik
Viewed 1451 By Music Producers & DJ´s.
Tests, Ratgeber und News zu den Bereichen HiFi, Surround, High End und Musik
Das Magazin für HiFi-Enthusiasten: Faszinierende Technik hautnah. Mit fundierten Tests und Profi-Tipps für den optimalen Klang
Das Konzept von Beat richtet sich in erster Linie an Neueinsteiger in die Musikwelt sowie fortgeschrittene Hobbymusiker. Mitmach-Workshops sollen in Wort und Bild Problemlösungen und Anregungen zur Arbeit mit Musik-Hardware und -Software bieten. Des Weiteren ist eine Teststrecke zu Synthesizern, Software-Instrumenten sowie weiterem Studioequipment, Neuigkeiten aus der Musikproduktionswelt sowie Interviews mit Musikern Bestandteil der Publikation.
Sound & Vision is at the forefront of the ever-changing, always dynamic world of electronic entertainment. Authoritative and accessible, written with insight and humor, Sound and Vision is the preeminent source for consumers of home theater, audio, video, and multimedia products.
Dedicated to equipment of all types, the emphasis is on ‘affordable audiophile’ kit which doesn’t have to be expensive, but has to perform. Their readership is worldwide and diverse in nature. It shares all the passions for music and the desire to help consumers enjoy it as much as possible. It’s run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, using their commitment to show everything technical on almost every product.
Future Music brings you the most in-depth reviews by respected industry professionals plus news on all the latest hardware and software releases. We also interview musicians at the cutting edge of technology, and give you all the advice, music and free samples you need to get the most out of your existing set-up and improve your music making.
Electronic Musician is not merely a recording magazine but covers all aspects of music production—performance, recording, and technology, from studio to stage. EM finds the top artists and producers – as well as all the musical trendsetters – and gets them to advise, mentor, and detail their craft. Each issue gives you the tools you need to make better music, from production to performance. Plus tips and techniques, gear reviews, and insights from today’s top artists.