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  • HipHop Tools Secret Stash WAV-DViSO
    September 25th, 2021 ⚡

    HipHopTools Secret Stash WAV-DViSO

    HipHop Tools Secret Stash

    DViSO | 30/03/2007 | 25.3 MB

    SECRET STASH is a serious utility for Hip Hop & R&B production. It will lift your music into a new dimension and add some spice to your compositions. Secret Stash is a wicked sound library with over 450 single drum hits, FX and instruments. As with all sample libraries in version 2.1 this concept includes a solid foundation of drum hits. Kold snares, deep kicks, tight hi hats and smooth percussion make this library a valuable choice. Massive strings, killar keys, wicked winds and vinyl fx shine in true HHT style and are sure to be a samplers delight.

    Viewed 2559 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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