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  • Ableton Live 11 Music Production 2021 TUTORiAL

    Ableton 11 Music Production 2021

    P2P | 23 June 2021 | 8.85 GB

    Have you always wanted to make music, but you don’t know where to begin? Opening up Ableton Live can seem quite intimidating. With such a powerful piece of software, it can be hard to know how and where to get started! That’s why we’ve structured this course in a way that means anyone can jump in and start making music in Ableton Live. Over the years we have looked at the feedback we have been given by students, and have used it to try to make this our best course yet. We have made it as concise as possible, making sure no time is wasted giving you an enjoyable and efficient learning experience. Start Producing Your Own Music in Ableton Live 11. This course is all about Ableton Live 11, a Digital Audio Workstation for Mac and Windows.

    Viewed 2516 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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