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  • Smash Hits Part1 WAV-RAiN
    April 26th, 2024 ⚡

    Smash Hits Part1 WAV-RAiN

    Smash Hits Part1

    Team RAiN | 26 April 2024 | 350 MB

    ‘Smash Hits’ by MAGIX is inspired by the riffs and rhymes of the current world of modern mainstream music. This Chart Hits Soundpool, featuring 217 loops, delivers a rush of adrenaline that will have you dancing in the studio. Taking cues from the likes of Bieber, Gomez and Goulding, this pack is aimed at achieving the same emotional hit and reaching crescendos perfect for Modern Pop, Electronic and House. The female vocals will effortlessly elevate your tracks to a state of euphoria while the Trance sequences, power-forward drums and lifted effects will take your production to the next level and get listeners on their feet.

    Viewed 5200 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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