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  • Panoramic Wave Generator KONTAKT-ZiNC

    Panoramic Wave Generator KONTAKT

    ZiNC | 21 December 2014 | 464 MB

    The Panoramic Wave Generator is an experimental sound generating sample library for the Kontakt sampler from Native Instruments.Do you remember the early days of sampling? Or making long, low speed tape loops? That was the inspiration for the Panoramic Wave Generator. I still have an old Akai S-612 and it is one of those things that I just never get tired of. You can take a sound and stretch it across the entire keyboard. Depending on your sound it can sound like a howling demon in the low registers or a shrieking bird of prey on the high notes. Of course the old Akai has something like 2 seconds of sampling time.

    Viewed 23328 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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