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  • Wrapping Cables to Winning Grammys TUTORiAL-MaGeSY

    Wrapping Cables to Winning Grammys

    P2P | 24 September 2017 | 501 MB

    In this interview, prolific author and music producer talks to iconic audio- and music-industry personalities: the outliers, forward thinkers, and rule breakers. This installment features revered recording engineer Al Schmitt. Al has won more GRAMMYs than any other music producer/engineer in history (23 so far), but got his start wrapping cables at the age of 8 in the first indie studio in New York City. And since then, he’s recorded everyone from Ray Charles and Paul McCartney to Steely Dan and Diana Krall. In this interview, Bobby and Al chat about Al’s career, influences, and inspirations.

    Viewed 7489 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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