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  • Voice Of Reason WAV-DiSCOVER
    May 23rd, 2016 ⚡


    Voice Of Reason WAV

    DiSCOVER | May 23 2016 | 71 MB

    Voice of Reason. This royalty-free vocal kit is like nothing you’ve come across. Think hip hop meets opera. It comes with 15 Vocal Stems perfect for chopping up or building a hook around. It also includes 46 OneShot Vocals and 10 Effect Vocals that are sure to spark your creativity.

    Viewed 2159 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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    Neo Vocals The Opera Voice WAV MiDi

    DISCOVER | 05 NOVEMBER 2014 | 395 MB

    ‘Neo Vocals: The Opera Voice’ is the first installment in this new series bringing you 134 crisp HD vocal loops, all recorded in a grand operatic style. This product is perfect for many styles of arrangements including motion picture soundtracks, movie scores, video games, Hip Hop, Trap, Dubstep & R&B.  All loops are provided in both dry and wet variations, including lush and ambient reverb effects. Get your hands on this one of a kind product. In detail you’ll find 134 24-Bit WAV loops, 100% Royalty-Free and ready to drop into any DAW.

    Viewed 2834 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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    Opera Di Incubi WAV MiDi

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 04 November 2014 | 407 MB

    ‘Opera Di Incubi’  introduces and sets a whole new era of Trap and Hip Hop like none other. It marks a monumental new series of Construction Kits that takes this genre of music in a direction that it’s never been before. With five classically convoluted Hip Hop/Trap Construction Kits, ‘Opera Di Incubi’ removes the musical masquerades and sets an era truly masterful.  ‘Opera di incubi’ (translated to Opera of Nightmares in Italian), takes the current genres of Trap and Hip Hop and innovates like none before. It brings the heart wrenching, awe-inspiring work of Opera and Cinema, and brings it to the modern Hip Hop era that has been the anthems of artists like Chief Keef, Louie, Durk, Jeezy, Migos, Meek, Ross, and many others.

    Viewed 1894 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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