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  • Obscure Techno Vol.1 WAV
    January 18th, 2018 ⚡


    Obscure Techno Vol.1 WAV

    FANTASTiC | January 17 2018 | 425 MB

    Inspired by the big names in todays Techno-Scene this pack is the ultimate source of sounds for every ambitious Technoproducer.  Packed with over 511 MB of various sounds & loops this pack is entitled to match the highest standards and needs of Techno producers worldwide.  Including 5 construction kits full of raw, gritty, analogue sounds recorded with finest equipment Engineering Samples provides you with big analogue kickdrums, edgy basslines, dark synthesizer-lines, arpeggios and massive Drums.  Most of the sounds & Loops are coming from analogue Synthezisers like the Moog Mother 32, Moog Sub37, Roland Juno-6 & Roland System 100 recorded with a Technics RS1506 Tape Machine. All of the main elements are available with & without sidechain- compression and exist in a dry & wet version for maximum flexibility.

    Viewed 1605 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Obscure Techno Vol.2 WAV
    July 10th, 2017 ⚡


    Obscure Techno Vol.2 WAV

    FANTASTiC | 10 July 2017 | 456 MB

    Inspired by the big names in todays Techno-Scene this pack is the ultimate source of sounds for every ambitious Technoproducer.  Packed with over 562 MB of various sounds & loops this pack is entitled to match the highest standards and needs of Techno producers worldwide.  Including 5 construction kits full of raw, gritty, analogue sounds recorded with finest equipment Engineering Samples provides you with big analogue kickdrums, edgy basslines, dark synthesizer-lines, arpeggios and massive Drums.  Many of the sounds & Loops are coming from analogue Synthezisers like the Moog Mother 32, Moog Sub37, Roland Juno-6 & Roland System 100 recorded with a Technics RS1506 Tape Machine.

    Viewed 1330 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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