Syntec Wall Of Sounds 5 E-MU
Team ALFiSO | 21 March 2003 | 216.81 MB
World of Oberheim Matrix 12 – Wall Of Sounds 5
The CD-ROM “Wall Of Sounds Vol. 5” features more than 200MB of excellent sounds – pads, strings, sound tracks, voices, orchestra, brass, bass etc. – of the Oberheim Matrix 12. All sounds were especially programmed for this CD-ROM. The WOS 5 CD-ROM is even interesting for owners of a Matrix 12 or Xpander because most of the sounds use 2 to 4 layers which are only playable with 3 to 6 keys on a Matrix 12. To give you the fix in the mix, each bank provides different presets, e.g. with different programming of the VCF, VCA, Release time, Attack time, +8a tuning, Portamento, etc. to keep you playing and not programming and changing the sounds to your own style.
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