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    Modern Pop Vol.1 Producers Kit MULTiFORMAT

    TEAM DYNAMiCS | September 2011 | 1 GB

    AiFF/Apple Loops/REFiLL/REX2/WAV/ACiD

    Modern Pop: Producers Kit 1 is the first Diginoiz product containing all that you need to make the highest quality, modern Pop tracks. You will find here all the necessary instruments and drum loops in 125 BPM tempo including the root key. So if you are looking for sounds that you may know from your favourite artists’ radio hits, then you’re in the right place. So if you are looking for sounds that you may know from your favourite artists’ radio hits, then you’re in the right place! ‘Modern Pop: Producers Kit 1’ contains over 150 loops (Drum, Arps, Keys, Bass, Synth, Pads, Percs, Orchestral and Lead loops) and over 1.3 GB of multi-format loops (125 BPM) in Modern Pop/Pop genre ready to be used in your productions.

    Viewed 3184 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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    Queen Of Modern Pop MULTiFORMAT

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 28 March 2014 | 1.13 GB


    ‘Queen of Modern Pop’ is the first in the DigiSeries, an edgy collection of chart-topping Construction Kits with a fresh Urban flavour and superior quality. If you are looking for a modern Pop or Dance sound this awesome pack has got you covered! These amazing Construction Kits are inspired by the likes of the world’s most wanted, from Lady Gaga, to Britney Spears, Rihanna, and J-Lo. This must-have pack contains all the great sound material you need. All samples have been professionally mixed and mastered for a radio-ready sound. All loops in this library are multi-format (WAV, REX, AIFF, Apple Loops, ReFill), 16-Bit and 24-Bit files, compatible with all modern software and hardware samplers.

    Viewed 2904 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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