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  • Mix House Vocals Like A Pro TUTORiAL
    April 18th, 2022 ⚡

    Mix House Vocals Like A Pro TUTORiAL

    Mix House Vocals Like A Pro

    FANTASTiC | 18 April 2022 | 367 MB

    OK, You have produced a banging dance track, now what? You need a decent vocal to compliment it, right? If you got great vocals to go with your track, great! Congratulations! Step One complete. Step two – go and watch this class for a step by step guide on how to mix vocals. If you haven’t got vocals for your tracks yet then don’t waste time, go on Instagram, search for hashtags like #singer #songwriter #vocalist and so on, find a vocalist you like and start collaborating! Once you got your vocals stems – watch this class and dive in, but make sure you don’t copy settings like for like! Experiment! Different source signals require different processing.

    Viewed 3184 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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