• Microtape 2 Electric Harpsichord KONTAKT

    Microtape 2 Electric Harpsichord KONTAKT

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 21 April 2014 | 12.3 MB

    No.2 in the microtape series.

    Electric Harpsichord – Harpsichord preset from the Farfisa 110pro 1970’s portable organ. With 5 token presets, this isn’t designed as a synth, like Tronto for example, but as a player, with a virtual tape machine running all the time beneath the engine. You have 3 types of control (via the ‘Degrader’) over tape damage – via filter,amplitude or pitch, with a tape speed slider as well, so Boards of Canada style sounds are easily obtainable, or you can set the controls to zero to bypass the effect. There is a simple low pass filter (no resonance) that can be connected to velocity (as can amplitude) for instrumental expression, but also more interestingly is hard wired to the ADSR envelopes, so a slower attack also brings about a slower filter attack (if engaged), to emulate the tape head coming into contact with the tape (likewise with the release).

    Viewed 4039 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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    Microtape 1 Detroit Hammond KONTAKT

    Team VON.G | 2013-04-22 | 14.9 MB

    No.1 in the microtape series.

    Detroit Hammond – moody,tape-damaged 7th chords from the Hammond m100, mapped to each note, with slow tape-head engage and release. Not suitable for polyphonic playback. With 5 token presets, this isn’t designed as a synth, like Tronto for example, but as a player, with a virtual tape machine running all the time beneath the engine. You have 3 types of control (via the ‘Degrader’) over tape damage – via filter,amplitude or pitch, with a tape speed slider as well, so Boards of Canada style sounds are easily obtainable, or you can set the controls to zero to bypass the effect.

    Viewed 2736 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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    Glockowonko KONTAKT

    Team VON.G | 2013-04-22 | 13.4 MB

    Glockowonko – 20 patches coaxing weird and wonderful sounds from a simple glockenspiel, most with tempo synced rhythms. From Dwarf Mine Repairing to a Tibetan Teashop….or something like that…Recorded through valves to one inch tape. The microtape players feature a virtual tape machine running all the time beneath the engine. You have 3 types of control (via the ‘Degrader’) over tape damage – via filter,amplitude or pitch, with a tape speed slider as well, so Boards of Canada style sounds are easily obtainable, or you can set the controls to zero to bypass the effect.

    Viewed 2725 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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    Microtape 14 Treble Recorder KONTAKT

    Team BYS | 2013-07-22 | 12.8 MB

    Very cleanly recorded to an ex-BBC Preco F500 tape machine, at 15ips, using brand new old-stock tape. With added tape degrade controls, and subtle use of pitch rise in aftertouch as well as random ‘humanized’ pitch variations, avoiding unnatural ‘machine-gun’ effects.

    Viewed 1755 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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    Microtape 7 Random 100M KONTAKT

    Team VON.G | 2013-04-14 | 41 MB

    Random 100M – Over 3 minutes of controlled chaos from the Roland System100M modular synth.One 3 minute wav mapped across 5 octaves with random sample start – never play the same sounds twice!Recorded hot through 1960s valve pre-amps onto one-inch tape (into the red). With 5 token presets, this isn’t designed as a synth, like Tronto for example, but as a player, with a virtual tape machine running all the time beneath the engine. You have 3 types of control (via the ‘Degrader’) over tape damage – via filter,amplitude or pitch, with a tape speed slider as well, so Boards of Canada style sounds are easily obtainable, or you can set the controls to zero to bypass the effect.

    Viewed 2562 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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    Microtape 15-16 Lysergic Autoharp

    Autoharp Oddbox KONTAKT

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 21 April 2014 | 92 MB

    Microtape 15 is a set of psychedelic sounding autoharp chords – Majors,Minors and Major Sevenths, strummed up and also down. Recorded with maximum character on the Vortexion CB1, these are not subtle sounds. 6 presets. Microtape 16 contains percussive sounds of varying degrees of oddness made with the autoharp. 5 presets. Both interfaces feature the usual microtape tape degrader controls, ADSR, expression controls, saturation and vibrato.

    Viewed 2709 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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    Microtape 13 Spongebridge Bass KONTAKT

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 21 April 2014 | 6.8 MB

    The Dish-sponge-under-the-strings 60s bass sound – with some added grit and compression options. Recorded with an Aria (Precision Bass replica made by Matsumoku).

    Viewed 2771 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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