Microtape 2 Electric Harpsichord KONTAKT
TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 21 April 2014 | 12.3 MB
No.2 in the microtape series.
Electric Harpsichord – Harpsichord preset from the Farfisa 110pro 1970’s portable organ. With 5 token presets, this isn’t designed as a synth, like Tronto for example, but as a player, with a virtual tape machine running all the time beneath the engine. You have 3 types of control (via the ‘Degrader’) over tape damage – via filter,amplitude or pitch, with a tape speed slider as well, so Boards of Canada style sounds are easily obtainable, or you can set the controls to zero to bypass the effect. There is a simple low pass filter (no resonance) that can be connected to velocity (as can amplitude) for instrumental expression, but also more interestingly is hard wired to the ADSR envelopes, so a slower attack also brings about a slower filter attack (if engaged), to emulate the tape head coming into contact with the tape (likewise with the release).
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