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  • Udemy Making Music In Bitwig Mastering Drums TUTORiAL-MaGeSY

    Bitwig: Mastering Drums TUTORiAL

    P2P | 26 October 2024 | 3.04 GB

    Welcome to my big course on drums, from sound design, over composition & texturing to mixing, this is my grand tour of different production techniques you can use to create better drum loops. We’ll be synthesizing kicks in the grid, talking about the theory and fundamental characteristics of snare drums, synthesizing them in phase 4 and then layering & processing them, we’ll be writing with hihat samples, synthesizing our own hihats with convolution and unison in the grid & then using modulators to humanize them, we’ll be recording our own percussions with household objects, synthesizing unique percussion loops and then sequencing them using the multi-sampling capabilities of sampler & audio editing and lastly we’ll write a proper drumloop, use bitwigs group clips system to efficiently write variations and fills, add risers and sfx to our drums and mixing them to make them sound great together.

    Viewed 12863 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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