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  • FFX-16 Rack v1.0.0 DX-Plug-in Manager VST x86 WiN-R2R

    FFX-16 Rack v1.0.0 WiN

    Team R2R | 29 Dec 2021 | 0.7MB

    FFX means “effect inside the effect” or “FX inside FX” or if you prefer “Plug-ins inside a Plug-in” As soon as 1999 VB-Audio brought a solution to handle several plug-ins in a basic patchbay called FFX16. This plug-in, which is basically a Direct-X plug-in manager, was the only solution for the chaining of effects in a reliable way (internally, FFX always works with 32-bit float numbers) with programs such as SoundForge for example. Initially designed as a workaround, in the 2000’s, the FFX-rack series was also the only solution to use DX plug-ins in Wavbelab 3.0 audiomontages. Yes, FFX is also available as a VST plug-in and can be used as a DX to VST adapter !

    Viewed 5732 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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