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  • HipHop Tools Mad Fx WAV-DViSO
    October 12th, 2021 ⚡

    HipHop Tools Mad Fx WAV-DViSO

    HipHop Tools Mad Fx

    DViSO | 30/03/2007 | 87.45 MB

    MAD FX, “Underground Experiments” is a concept that lends itself to creativity and experimentation. With the exception of the percussion on the CD it is a complete experimental concept that will break new ground and take your Hip Hop production to another level. It is a perfect solution for distinguishing your signature sound from other urban producers. MAD FX comes complete with over 700 individual drum hits, instruments and FX that are sure to make others take notice of your unique sounds. As is customary with other concepts from HHT you will find a solid foundation of custom drum sounds and acoustic percussion that are unique and exclusive. All the kicks, snares, rims and hi-hats on this concept are hot. From ill organs to rare vinyl wax this CD offers the most in inspiration and flexibility to keep your urban production fresh and hype. Also included in MAD FX are tabla, electric percussion, harpsichord, synths, ethnic strings, beat vox percussion and vocal stabs.

    Viewed 3630 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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