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  • Logic Pro Templates and Project Management TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC

    Templates & Project Management

    FANTASTiC | 14 September 2021 | 652 MB

    Learning how to organize your projects and files is crucial when working with Logic Pro. This course, designed and led by certified trainer, is full of time-saving tips to help you optimize your workflow with Logic. Watch now… and be sure to download the included templates files that come with the course! Time is precious… Thankfully, there are so many ways to speed up your Logic Pro workflow and save you both time and money. This course is all about boosting your Logic organization skills and making you a better Logic user. There’s something for everyone here: songwriters, producers, film composers, musicians, audio engineers… So be sure to watch this course, and don’t forget to download the included templates files that come with the course!

    Viewed 3659 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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