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    Komplete Kontrol S Series & Maschine Workflow TUTORiAL

    P2P | 12-06-2015 | 887 MB

    Komplete Kontrol S-Series keyboards have some super elegant features that can enhance the way you work with Maschine 2 and other Komplete software.From setup basics, to combining chords and arpeggios, to trialing and recording creative automation, this 5 part video course lifts the hood on the S-Series before putting you in the driver’s seat of a more productive workflow with highly intuitive controls. If you’ve just got your hands on NI’s S-Series, this course will set you up with tips and techniques for a tidy workflow. Practical instruction shows you how to use S-Series Keyboards and gives you a solid working understanding of the advanced features. Alternatively, if you’re considering a purchase, this course gives you practical insight into how the hardware can work for you and highlights the differences vs. generic midi controllers.

    Viewed 1877 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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