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  • Drive Through Jazz Theory TUTORiAL

    Drive Through Jazz Theory

    P2P | 03 May 2023 | 1.42 GB

    Language: English | Duration: 1h 36m

    This Crash Course is designed for those beginning their exploration of Jazz Theory and Improvisation (specifically on the Saxophone, but it is applicable to ANY instrument). In this highly effective tutorial, the 12 Bar Blues, Autumn Leaves, and Rhythm Changes are used as vehicles to rapidly yet thoroughly explore Jazz Theory and Beginning Improvisation. This course will rapidly equip the student with a deep understanding of the most common, universal, underlying concepts of Jazz Theory, as well as train them in some basic and highly idomatic improvisational approaches (licks) to utilize over those core chord progressions.It should be noted that this fast-paced course is designed for serious, Intermediate and above level musicians.

    Viewed 2227 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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