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  • Does Your DAW Have a Sound TUTORiAL-HiDERA-MaGeSY

    Does Your DAW Have a Sound

    HiDERA | 02 December 2024 | 123 MB

    It’s a well-debated topic. Does your DAW have its own sound? In this music production video course, production guru Alberto Rizzo Schettino investigates this idea from an instructive angle, teaching you many techniques and methods to ensure that you’re getting the best results from your DAW throughout your workflow and the entire signal chain. The more complex a session is, the more room for human error there is. This production course is about determining what’s human error and what’s not, and you’ll walk away with solid, fact-based knowledge on the subject of “DAW sound” and a whole new set of practical skills for maintaining consistent quality and results for every session, regardless of the DAW you use. Alberto begins by expanding on the topic of this series and defining what exactly is meant by this question and how it can be answered. He then shares with you the tools that we’ll use in evaluating this question. You’ll then learn a number of checkpoints you can use to verify that your DAW and plug-ins are operating at full potential without any human error. Alberto will discuss many important parameters that are common to all DAWs along with routing tips to make sure you’re not selling any of your tracks or sounds short in any way.

    Viewed 5656 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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