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    Zildjian Gen16 Z-Pack v01 A Series

    For FXPansion DVDR

    TEAM SONiTUS |  2 September 2012 | Disk 01: 2.63 GB | Disk 02: 3.75 GB

    The Gen16 Digital Vault Z-Pack Vol. 1 – A Series features the cleanest, most accurate and realistic cymbal sounds ever created; a must-have addition to any serious drum sampling arsenal. The samples on this volume contain 14 of the most popular A Zildjian cymbals recorded at the highest quality with multiple velocity layers for the bell, bow, and edge of each cymbal in addition to multiple articulations of stick, mallet, and brush. Each factory reference cymbal has been hand-selected by Zildjian’s Master Cymbal Tester, Paul Francis, and painstakingly recorded by percussion sampling guru, John Emrich. The result – the purest cymbal samples available anywhere.

    Viewed 2773 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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