Fluid Dynamics ACiD
Team ALFiSO | 16-11-2002 | 418.15 MB
Computational Drum ‘n’ Bass
Sony Pictures Digital ACID® software and drum ‘n’ bass music were made for each other. Complicated packets of rhythmic information can now be effortlessly painted across your screen to create smooth, sophisticated, high bpm rhythm beds. This foundation can then be easily edited at the microscopic level in ACID software to achieve all the precarious twists and turns that make drum ‘n’ bass one of the most exciting styles of music ever to emerge from electronica. Rich Mallet is an original drum ‘n’ bass pioneer who was influential in shaping the genre as he came up through the UK underground music scene. The Fluid Dynamics collection is a perfect, authentic drum ‘n’ bass excursion that has all the materials you need to realize pure form d ‘n’ b compositions quickly, easily, and royalty-free, inside the awesome ACID software engine.
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