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I’m Jesse Cannon, and I’ve worked with artists like Misfits, The Cure, Animal Collective and Somos over the past couple decades that I’ve been making records. As someone who’s been using Pro Tools since version 3, I’ve learned a lot of things that may seem little, but cause big headaches if you don’t get them right. One of those things is plugin order, which is what I’ll be focusing on in this Fast Track. I’ll cover all the tools that you probably work with such as EQ, compressors, saturators, limiters and more – and how to make them all play nice together to achieve your creative vision. Now, let’s get into the Fast Track!
I’m the owner and chief engineer of Rogue Planet Mastering in New York’s Hudson Valley, where I’ve worked with artists including All Time Low, Saosin, The Devil Wears Prada, Saves The Day and Emmure among many others. I’m excited to share my approach to mastering with all of you, because I know this is an area where many people struggle and I hope this Fast Track will help clear up many of the common misconceptions and challenges around mastering. I’ll be sharing some big-picture concepts and principles, show you how I apply them in a real-world scenario using some of your songs, and share a handful of specific tips and tricks I’ve picked up over the years that will help you with some of the trickier problems you’re likely to encounter. With that out of the way, welcome aboard and let’s get started!
In 2002 I moved from plugging a Metal Zone pedal into my dad’s Dell sound card and recording in Cool Edit Pro to running the same Metal Zone/Dell setup straight into Cubase SX2. It was such a huge improvement and I was so enamored by everything I could do that I’ve opted to spend more than 15 years staring into the abyss that is the Arrange window. I’ve flirted with and wound up learning other DAWs out of both curiosity and necessity, but have never felt as “at home” as I do with Steinberg products. Cubase has long been somewhat of an “underdog of choice” when compared to other DAWs, but it’s more than capable of handling the composition, tracking, editing, and mixing of any project you could imagine. While it’s always had a rock-solid set of base features, Steinberg has over the last 5-7 years in particular added functionality to the tracking and mixing features that for me take it to the next level. Unlike other DAWs, though, it can be configured and customized to your heart’s content – this has allowed me to develop a workflow in the program that is as close to a brain-computer interface as I’ve been able to find.
Colin Brittain is a multi-platinum American producer/engineer, known for his work with artists including Papa Roach, All Time Low, 5 Seconds of Summer, One OK Rock, Hands Like Houses and Dashboard Confessional. His career includes several #1 charting records. “Ears not gear” is a cliche expression in the world of recording. Like all cliches, it’s based on truth. It doesn’t matter if you have a $1 million dollar recording studio, or a bedroom with an interface. Using the right approach you can create crushingly powerful drum recordings regardless of the scenario. In this Fast Track, Colin Brittain will walk you through his process for producing top tier drums in ANY situation. You will learn how to go about making the most of what you’re working with, no matter what you’re working with.
I’ve been a vocalist my entire life and I’m thrilled to be your guide throughout this Fast Track. You may know me from the bands I’ve fronted, The Contortionist and Last Chance To Reason. I’ve been tracked by various talented and not so talented producers and, have quite a bit of experience being under the red light. I also engineer many of my own vocal tracks for pre-production, as well as many of the final tracks. You want to know what I think makes the biggest difference between vocal producers? Their attention to detail, understanding of who they’re working with, sensitivity to the bigger picture goals of the project, and of course, those with an ever expanding library of vocal production techniques.