• Granular Expeditions Loop Pack WAV-DECiBEL

    Granular Expeditions Loop Pack

    Team DECiBEL | 14 March 2021 | 232.4MB

    26 Hits / 68 Sequences / 19 Soundscapes/Pads

    Our debut Pigments Soundset, Granular Expeditions in audio format. If you haven’t yet bought into Arturia’s Pigments universe, you can still experience the power of this soundset rendered in full quality WAV loops. Ready to drop into any project. This pack contains 113 WAV files (44.1KHZ/24bit)

    Viewed 2757 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

  • Granular Expeditions For Pigments 2-DECiBEL

    Granular Expeditions For Pigments 2

    Team DECiBEL | 14 March 2021 | 303.7MB

    Granular Expeditions, our debut soundest for Pigments2 synth. The inspiration for this pack came from a recording we made of an ancient Clavicord, a family heirloom. The idea was to make a pristine sounding Kontakt instrument from the samples. But we got side tracked with Covid and ended up processing and mangling it out of recognition in Pigments. Other source material included environmental sounds from our travels to the outer reaches of the west coast of Scotland and beyond, all processed and mangled into musical form. The bank includes 60 presets of sequences, hits, pads and sFX, keys and bass.

    Viewed 3768 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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