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  • How to Build EPiC Audio Effect Racks TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC

    How to Build EPiC Audio Effect Racks

    FANTASTiC | 11 August 2021 | 710 MB

    Audio Effect Racks are one of the gems of Ableton Live. They allow you to customize your audio processing in slick ways that other programs simply cannot. Yet, many producers are unaware of them. Still more struggle to use them to their full potential. But here’s the lowdown: Audio Effect Racks are not rocket science. In this live stream, Ableton Certified Trainer Ian Gallagher will reveal 7 super-useful power techniques for using Audio Effect Racks like a boss. If you want to learn what makes Audio Effect Racks amazing and why you should use them, join us for this stream.

    Viewed 2844 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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