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  • Evolved: Game Creatures Samples 2

    Evolved: Game Creatures 2

    FANTASTiC | 30 November 2020 | WAV:257 MB

    ‘Evolved Game Creatures 2’ is the second installment of the ‘Game Monster’ sound effects series focused on bringing producers and sound designers a versatile and wide ranging selection of medium to small creature and monster styled game sound effects. Useful in animations, video games, mobile apps, motion graphics, film, and software development, ‘Evolved Game Creatures 2’ is a go to collection of monster sounds and audio creativity. Inside you’ll find over 160+ distinctive, immersive, game optimized creature sound effects, vocalizations, attacks, death sounds, special FX and more. Creating compelling cinematic game characters and outstanding gameplay audio experiences has never been easier. Explore thru 10 inspiring sound sets of your favorite mystical creatures, imaginative supernatural beings that are perfect for any fantasy production! Each sound set and creature will have sounds for attacks, death, damage, spawn, hits, impacts, breathing, and more!

    Viewed 4455 By Music Producers & DJ´s.

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